This is a condensed timeline of the conflict between Sunnis and Deobandis in the subcontinent. It is often falsely claimed that Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan is responsible for such a rift; whereas, these issues were present long before Alahazrat and sunni scholars refuted the grand-daddy of Wahabism in India, who is responsible for these ugly beliefs championed by Deobandis, such as Allah ta’ala being capable of lying and the overall culture of disrespect towards prophets and awliya’a Allah – except THEIR own ilk, whom they praise to the skies.
Deobandis claim that Allah ta’ala can lie and can be flawed – ta’ala Allahu `uluwwan kabeera.
jahan mein koyi bhi kafir ke kafir aysa ho
jo apne rab pe safahat ka daagh le ke chale.
This short timeline gives a glimpse of how events unfolded long before Husam al-Haramayn and the various books written by Deobandis and their refutations by Sunni ulama. Notice that the group that dissented from Ahl al-Sunnah was the Deobandi group, who are actually a watered down version of Wahabis, but present themselves as Sunnis to scholars outside the subcontinent and slander Alahazrat without any compunction.